AIDA on social medias: check your profile

AIDA is a commonly used marketing model that allows you to imagine what path a person goes from the moment they firstly contact with a brand, product, or personality to the moment when he make the final target action.

Today we’ll show you how to use this marketing model on social networks.



It doesn’t matter how the user find your blog. Whether he saw a video or a post in a recommendation; found them by hashtags; he found it in targeted advertising or you ordered a PR of your blog from another blogger – your main task is to attract user’s attention. Take care of:

  • High-quality preview and visual design of post
  • Intriguing headline. You can use clickbaits if you know how to use them correctly and are sure that you will receive a minimum of negative
  • Interesting text written in an exciting style



If you received the user’s attention, this means that he followed the publication or video for more detailed information, and then went to your profile. At this moment, you have the opportunity to get his interest, but the time for this can be very short, from a few seconds to a couple of minutes depending on the social network and the person.

Make sure your profile is attractive to your target audience. Depending on the social network, the elements may differ. Here are some examples:

For Instagram and Tiktok check:

  • attractive profile icon
  • an interesting bio that will be written according to your profile content. That will show what you do on the blog and what makes you attractive to potential audience
  • visual unity of the entire profile

For Youtube check:

  • an interesting profile header that responds in a visual style to what your channel is about
  • attractive profile icon
  • the video pinned in the profile should correspond to the interests of the attracted audience as much as possible. It should introduce you but also be fun and interesting
  • visual unity of previews

Also, make sure that your profile content is generally consistent with a single theme or idea. If so, it’ll be easier for the user to start checking your other posts and videos.



If you get user’s interest, then he’ll begin to check your other posts or videos. Now it’s important to arouse his desire. The desire that you are trying to get depends on your goals: whether you want to sell a product or service, make user watch your other videos or leave a like, or maybe a make subscription – depending on this, the method of inducing desire will differ.

The most important thing is that you determine for yourself what target action you would like to receive from the user. If you want to get more subscribers, you need to prepare content for which the potential audience came and for which they will be ready to subscribe.



The last step is the direct target action of the user, for which you concentrated your efforts. If this is getting subscribers, then don’t forget to encourage your audience to this target action in various ways: from a simple request to subscribe to making contests for subscription.

If you want to sell a product, in addition to the call to purchase products, you can organize temporary discounts, special offers, give out limited coupons, and so on.

Take care of content promotion, and the Top4Smm team will always be happy to help you with promotion.

The best quality will help your promotion!