Understanding how to create effective promotional posts and videos on social networks properly can be useful as for bloggers and also for businesses. First of all, because that’s a good opportunity to attract a new audience to your product, service or content.

And today we will tell you how to prepare an effective advertising post on social networks!

Choose a target

Choose a target

At the very beginning, you need to understand what results of the advertising campaign you want to get. It doesn’t matter if you want to get more followers, sell products or services, or tell more about your company – the main thing is you to understand what exactly you are looking for. This will help to form a proposal and correctly evaluate the results.

For one publication you should ask for one target action from the user. You shouldn’t try to find new followers and sell products in one publication.

Define the target audience

Define the target audience

Before you’ll make an advertising publication, you need to understand for which users it’ll be designed for. The social network, text, design and much more will depend on this. For effective advertising you need to make sure that the advertising post or video resonates in the heart of the client. To do this, the advertisement itself must be made in such a way that the client understands it and needs its offer, which can only be done if you understand exactly who your potential client is.

It’s also a good idea to segment your target audience, especially if it’s large. Then you will be able to create unique promotional publications to target each segment in the future.

Choose format

Choose format

First you need to decide on the format, which often depends on the social network. Basically, advertising in social networks can be divided into a simple publication with text and a picture and video. The main thing is to try to correctly calculate the costs of preparing an advertising post on a particular social network. It’s usually more expensive to make video ads, but you can use content from what you already have.


How to make effective advertising post in social networks?

In any format, you must have a quality text prepared. The first few seconds of a potential audience’s contact with your ad are especially important. Therefore, try to interest the user from the very first lines so he continues reading or viewing. For this you can use:

  • questions
  • make reference to the potential interests of the user
  • use provocation
  • create intrigue
  • and other

Also, further text shouldn’t be boring. It should contain useful or interesting information for the user. Try to say what you want as short as possible, so you can keep all the fun and the user’s interest. If you don’t want to compress your text, then you can think about storytelling, sometimes it sells well.

Try to let the user understand what makes you unique and useful to him. If possible, differentiate yourself from competitors by using your strengths.



Visuals are the first thing a user notices. Make sure that the first thing he encounters will be very different from what he usually sees in the feed. It’s also not necessary to start with your offer – the visual should intrigue and make the user interest in your ad and what you came up with.

Avoid using low quality images or footage. If your advertising campaign isn’t aimed at creating dozens of advertising posts, then it will be better to make better what you have planned.

If there is text in the visual, make sure it’ll be easy to read.


It’s time to remember why you created an advertising post and make an offer to user. Most often it’ll be a call to action. If your offer has a clear benefit for the user, don’t forget to mention it.

And don’t forget to check that all the links in your ad are working.

Analyze statistics

After launching a promotional publication, don’t forget to analyze the results and compare them with your goals. Then you can determine the success of your advertising campaign and make adjustments in the future.

Take care of content, and the Top4Smm team will always be happy to help you with promotion.

The best quality will help your promotion!