5 psychological tricks to boost social media engagement

Good day!
Not every blogger thinks about how important psychology is in creating content and working with an audience. However, don’t underestimate the impact that you can have on your followers using certain psychological techniques.

That’s why today we decided to make a selection of effective psychological techniques that can help you on the way to creating content.

Trick 1. Color psychology

Color psychology

It’s no secret that colors evoke certain psychological reactions in people. This is due to the fact that some colors are often associated with specific images, feelings, or situations. For example, green is most commonly associated with freshness, environment, health, or money.

Working with color can help you:

  • Increase the visibility of your blog. Certain color palettes will associate with you, allow people to distinguish you from other bloggers, and find your content.
  • Increase the frequency of clicks on your posts. If you are writing about nature, it would be logical to use green in the preview. So users can quickly understand the topic of your content, as well as find the reflection of the necessary feelings and images in your post.
  • Draw attention to action. By playing on the contrast of colors, you can emphasize certain elements. For example, the bright text “Giveaway in 24 hours!” on a contrasting background will definitely draw users’ attention to the content and allow you to get more impressions to the post. Anothe way to get it is just to buy instagram Impressions .

Trick 2. Fear of missing something important

Fear of missing something important

The fear of missing something important is a rather specific but effective technique in social networks. Usually, people don’t want to miss out on the fun or the benefits others might get. That’s why free webinar ads and giveaways work so well.

An example of how you can use:

  • Create an announcement of a unique opportunity to connect with you through the questions in the stories in the next 24 hours.
  • Emphasize that such events won’t be held soon in the future
  • Double interest by posting information about how many questions were sent, how interesting they are, and so on.
  • Post stories with answers to questions.

Trick 3. Social proof

Social proof

People often make a decision more confidently when they see that others agree with the decision. On this principle, social networks are built. Therefore, video that have collected a sufficient number of likes (for example if for it owner buy YouTube likes) will continue to collect them, because people are more willing to like things that others have already appreciated. It works the same way with the number of subscribers, comments, etc.

It’s important for a blogger to get the first numbers – further promotion will become easier. So feel free to use this psychological trick. For example, asking your loyal fans to like your publication. Or use clickbaits to get more comments.

Tactic 4. Convincing content

Convincing content

Most of the users on social networks are not active, they don’t like, don’t write anything, but only consume content. That’s why your content should call the user for further activity. How to do it:

  • The most important information should be at the beginning
  • Use clickbaits in your title and preview, but make it too much
  • Try to switch to personal communication (“you”, “we”, “yours” and others)
  • Include a call to action
  • Ask questions. It is desirable that the answer be open
  • Try to start the user’s thought process. For this, provocative topics can help, for example.

Tactic 5. Frequency illusion

Frequency illusion

Effect when you’ve learned something, and after that, you begin to notice it everywhere. When a user faces a blog or topic again, the likelihood of further actions, for example, a subscription, is higher. Therefore, it’s very important for a blogger to appear in front of a potential audience as often as possible. To do this, you can:

  • Collaborate with other bloggers
  • Lead more social media
  • Stimulate audiences to repost
  • If you are using ads, use retargeting

Thinking about how to get better at blogging? Read about 5 myths about influencer marketing to know more new! And don’t forget to use psychological tricks and focus on content creation, and Top4Smm team will take care of your promotion!

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